In life, there is a lot of give and take. Live on the give.

I heard this from a friend recently. It made me stop and look at whether I give more than I take. During the holidays, the season of giving, it’s a nice idea to reflect on. But what does it really mean? For me, living on the give means that I willingly extend myself to help, in whatever small way I can. It means giving time, energy, money, or what’s needed in the moment.

However, when I think about living on the give I can’t help but remember the times when I took more than I gave. When I stole people’s peace and serenity…their comfort, wellbeing, positivity, and hope. Alcohol exacerbated my selfish nature, but I don’t have to live like that in sobriety. As I grow, I work to amend, or at least minimize, those self-seeking behaviors that caused so much turmoil in my past.

During the holiday season, it’s easier – even customary – to act in a giving way. We’re reminded that we can be tolerant, compassionate, loving. We can offer a hand, a hug, or a smile. These small acts of giving can make a difference beyond what we see and know.

Whether I’m going to a holiday party or staying home like most nights, I know I have something to offer others. Sometimes what I can give to a situation is just keeping my mouth shut, not being the loud guy in the room. If I’m home and in my head, I turn my thoughts to others and try to pick up the phone (no matter how heavy it feels sometimes) to reach out and say hello.

Do I live on the give? Do I help more than I hinder? What can I offer to situations, instead of take from them? Am I being selfish or selfless? What can I give during the holiday season besides a gift?